Friday, October 5, 2012

What does God say? - Christianity

Christianity.  Followers of Christ.  Christ-follower.  They all pretty much mean the same exact thing.  Notice that the word "Christ" is central to all of them.  Jesus of Nazareth.  Where would our faith be without Him?  And yet in times of turmoil we so often like to fall back into old habits and traditions that have been passed down from generations long-since passed.  Maybe we even resort to superstitions such as Ouija boards, tarot cards, horoscopes, or even fortune cookies.

I'm not advocating that we simply throw away our traditions - but we do need to be aware of their purpose.  In Mark 7 and John 8 Jesus was clear to outline that we need to recognize the origins of our faith to help us avoid mirroring non-Christian faiths, or that we might turn our traditions into our religion.

At the cornerstone of our religion is Jesus of Nazareth.  Any person who claims the religion of Christianity, yet rejects Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ and Son of God, is no more a Christian than a Porsche Carrera GT is a bicycle.  Sure they may have some semblances, but there is no doubt that they are not the same object.

Of course, all of us come from varying backgrounds, experiences, and understandings in regards to our faith.

Some of us perpetuate what we learned in Sunday School or from our parents/relatives, and really haven't taken a deeper dive into our faith.  This may have established a good foundation, but before that can be determined, we need to look at that foundation.  Check it against Biblical principles and core Scriptural knowledge.  Don't just lean on your own understanding or what you've always heard.  Try to  force yourself to look at it as if it is the first time you've ever read the Bible.  Taking nothing for granted, assume nothing, leave no stone unturned.

This side of Heaven, many things will continue to remain "unknown" or "grey" in their abilities to be understood.  Many things will be clear, but hold a different meaning for different individuals.  At the core of the Bible, we should all, however, be able to derive the same things: love God, love all of mankind, take care of what God has blessed you with, and always try to convey the love of Christ in ALL that you do - to everyone that you meet.  It's a tall order.  We aren't perfect.  Don't let that stop you from trying though!

(Phil 4:6-7) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Have a great weekend brothers and sisters.  May you be content with the blessings that our Creator lavishes upon your lives, recognizing that we are to use them to ultimately benefit the Kingdom and allow them to grow us closer to He who gives us all things.

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